Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Woohoo - a trip!

We are going on a trip and you would think that packing for just two for just a few days would be SIMPLE.....NOT!  The reason being, two people on a motorcycle.  Yeah, everyone sees the nice bag saddlebags on the sides and think 'that's a lot of room'....well I am here to tell you - it ain't!  They look big on the outside but when you go to put stuff in...just say'n, it isn't easy for a female to pack for a road trip!

We have gone before and know that I overpack...yes, me!  I find after each trip a few more items that I truly don't have to take.  Trust me, there is clean undies for me and the husband for each day - that I won't sacrifice - nope, no way, no how!  We have found that jeans are wearable for a couple of days depending on how long the trip is.  Gotta have a clean shirt each day.  The toiletries are probably the hardest thing to put together...I am more fortunate than some females - I don't need stuff to do the hair -- when you ride, you get helmet hair!  Just keep it cut really short, spritz a little water and it stands back up again! Then you have to throw in a bit of rain gear.....just in case -- ever had on soggy clothing - not fun but it do make a great memory!

And that is what this is all about - making a memory, seeing something new and have some great stories to tell on what we have seen.  Just simple stuff - riding on the back of a motorcycle - who knows, I might get some really great pictures to post.  Here's to getting stuff ready for the upcoming trip!

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