Friday, July 9, 2010

Dessert anyone?

Met a friend for lunch yesterday.  Ok, lunch and dessert........and another dessert.  We shared both of the desserts, does that count for anything??  Met at a local restaurant.....not a chain or fast food place....very casual and really good food....did I mention dessert??  Buttermilk blueberry pie - OMGoodness - it was delish.  We moved down the street to a small bakery and had the 2nd tasting - raspberry something tart - another OMGoodness.  Extra exercise last night. 

The company is what made the day.  This young lady is a water aerobics instructor and has chosen me to be a friend.  I say chosen because she is a private person and I sense that she doesn't get close to a lot of people.  We simply sat and chatted during lunch and dessert(s) and the variety of subjects was amazing.  To think, I am old enough to be her mother but we are simply two women, two different backgrounds, born of two different eras enjoying a simple life. 

Thanks to the young lady for a pleasant afternoon and thanks to God, the Lord of my life.

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