Saturday, July 10, 2010

Motorcycle and Old Cars

Made sure that all my chores were finished yesterday...sweeping, laundry, sheets changed, bathrooms cleaned and the hubby mopped the floors before we went to that this morning could be spent lazily reading the paper or whatever. 

The hubby is more gung ho than I am on a Saturday morning.  Ready to jump in and get projects going....however, a suggestion of him riding the bike to see the old Pontiac cars that are parked uptown........back to a peaceful, simple, relaxed morning.  Everyone knows that I am just as much (OK, probably more so) of a cycle enthusiast as he and I also enjoy seeing the old cars......just not every time.

The rain that came thru has removed some of the humidity so it is pleasant to be outdoors.  I hope that he is having fun....I pray that for enjoy a simple life too, simply enjoy the blessings that God has for us.

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